What is Pizzello's price match policy?

  • At Pizzello, value refers to the satisfaction that comes from knowing that you got a good deal without compromising on experience, quality, or style.
  • We are still committed to making shopping easier so that we can provide fantastic discounts whenever and wherever our customers choose to purchase.

Price Match Guarantee 

  • Shop early, shop with confidence this holiday season. Starting November 1, 2023, if you purchase an item in store or online and the price goes lower at Pizzello on or before December 24, 2023, you can request a price match. Proof of purchase is required for price adjustments.


  • Clearance, closeout, liquidation sales, defective, used, open-box, refurbished, previously owned, or rent-to-own items, bargains advertised as % or $ off, non-branded goods, or prices that appear on a website only after visitors log in.
  • Typographical errors in pricing, competitor lightning sales (including Amazon Prime or Amazon Fresh Exclusive offers), coupon offers, loyalty cards, promotional codes, credit card offers, gift card offers, financing, service offers, bundled offers, sales tax promotions, freebies, rebates, or mail-in offers are all examples of pricing errors.
  • "Marketplace" costs from independent vendors.